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About Wizolt Company

In 2022, Wizolt emerges as a visionary force,
revolutionizing the very essence of the BPO landscape.


Culture at the Forefront: Nurturing Collaborative Environments.

Unleashing the majestic fusion of human potential and transformational processes, enabling seamless expansion and integration.

Avarage Increase

Companies frequently opt for customer service outsourcing. And, why not?

Conversion Rate

Embarking on exceptional customer journeys starts with exceptional customer service specialists.

Our vision

Wizolt embodies the synergy of exceptional individuals, vibrant culture, groundbreaking innovation, state-of-the-art technology, and visionary ideas, all harmoniously united in pursuit of a singular, profound purpose.


Years of experience

Meet Our Wizolt Team

Wendy Valladares

VP Operations

Wendy is a seasoned operations manager who started her career as an agent. She has led operations in multiple countries with a track record of success. Holding the Wizolt family value closest at heart she enjoys to spend quality time with her loved ones when not running up and down the floors at Wizolt.

Daniel Quevedo

Director Of Operations

Danny has a strong process oriented background with an engineering degree from University of Waterloo and 10 years in various positions in the industry.He passionately leads his team holding Wizolt’s value of ‘respect’ close at heart and finds his drive in life from his family and playing sports.

Ricardo Fernandez

IT Manager

Ricardo joined Wizolt in 2013 in an IT support role before getting promoted. He has a university degree specializing in networks and is now studying a systems engineering degree. He is fascinated by the technological evolution and does a lot of self-study when not playing defense in Wizolt’s soccer team.

Yolanda Ferrufino

Account Manager

Yolanda has a major in Linguistics and Languages and has been involved for over 15 years in management of the largest outsourcing companies across the world. She is highly motivated and joined Wizolt because of its internal growth .

Rick Delgadillo

Project On-Boarding Manager

Rick has more than 20 years supporting the largest and most complex outsourcing deals in the industry. Most of the customers he lead were Fortune 100 companies. The main reason he decided to join Wizolt was the family oriented environment.

Your next!

We believe in our people, and we want them to be happy. We put culture in the forefront, and you will feel that if you get to know any of our team members or come to visit any of our locations. We have the ability to transform lives.

Igniting the Dream

In the early days of 2022, a vision sparked in our hearts, driving us to reimagine BPO industries and pioneer transformation.

Blueprint For Brilliance

Guided by our vision, we intricately designed a BPO ecosystem that seamlessly blends human expertise with advanced technology.

Shaping the Bedrock

Transforming blueprint into reality, we meticulously constructed the cornerstone of our call center, infusing it with innovation and expertise.

Ascending to Triumph

Finally, with our doors swung open wide, we embarked on a remarkable voyage, illuminating the path of extraordinary communication and service.


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